
A gentle introduction to Micropython using a ESP8266

View the Project on GitHub apoclyps/micropython-by-example

Micropython (ESP8622) By Example

MicroPython is a lean and efficient implementation of the Python 3 programming language that includes a small subset of the Python standard library and is optimised to run on microcontrollers and in constrained environments.


Install Drivers and Identify COM port

Install the official nodemcu-devkit drivers for your OS.

Flashing the ESP8266 MCU

Firstly, erase the flash memory on the MCU. Memory is typically limited to a few megabytes.

esptool --port COM3 -c esp8266 --baud 460800 erase_flash

Write the firmware to the devices flash storage

esptool --port COM3 -c esp8266 --baud 460800 write_flash --flash_size=detect 0 esp8266-20180511-v1.9.4.bin

Connect to ESP8266 via Putty

Create a serial connection on your COM port with the correct baud rate:

A successful connection will yield a python REPL

MicroPython REPL

Run the following in the REPL to evaluate the device is working correctly:

from machine import Pin

# GPIO16 (D0) is the internal LED for NodeMCU
led_red = Pin(16, Pin.OUT)
# SETS the pin state to HIGH
# SETS the pin state to LOW

Copying files to the Flash Storage

To use ampy directly, you will need to run pipenv install and pipenv shell.

List all files within flash storage:

ampy -d 0.5 -p COM3 ls

Read the contents of a file from flash storage:

ampy -d 0.5 -p COM3 get boot.py

Copy file to flash storage at the root directory:

ampy -d 0.5 -p COM3 put examples/blink.py

Remove file from flash storage:

ampy -d 0.5 -p COM3 rm blink.py

Running a program on device boot

boot.py will run as a precursor to main.py. Creating a main.py will run every time the device is powered on.

touch main.py
# add contents to main.py
ampy -d 0.5 -p COM3 put main.py


Select your favorite IDE or editor for Python and develop your project. Once you are ready to run the code on a ESP8266, you can use uPyCraft to easily copy across the files to the device and open a REPL.



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